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Corporate Law
We are a modern and progressive corporate law firm and operate a new legal services business model which significantly reduces our overheads and which means we can transfer the benefit of those cost savings back to our customers in the form of competitive fee rates.
What sets us apart from many other corporate solicitors is that we deliver legal services using a business model that utilises the best aspects of the traditional corporate law firm but which also incorporates a flexible consultancy based legal services model. This means that many of our corporate solicitors are consultants who work remotely at various locations in England and by using the latest IT technology they can service our clients anywhere in England and Wales.
Our business model means that clients have the option of choosing either remote delivery of legal services which is simple, effective and cost efficient or alternatively the more traditional delivery of legal services via meetings in person at either our serviced offices or at the client's business premises.
With the exception of our administrative headquarters, we only use serviced offices for basic needs such as telephone answering and mail receipt. Any additional fees for meetings are only incurred on an "as and when" used basis which means that we do not incur many of the significant property overheads which are incurred by other more traditional corporate law firms. Drafting and negotiating agency contracts and distribution contracts.
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Because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself.