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Property & Estate Law

Property & Estate Law

The death of a loved one is a traumatic and stressful time when people need counsel, support and guidance. Whether the deceased died with or without a will, estate and business matters must be addressed to ensure that the affairs are looked after in an orderly fashion and the wishes are respected and met.

George Margo & Co. LLP Property and Estate Law has acted as Proctor and supervised the administration of thousands of estates in a caring, compassionate fashion since 1984. The inheritance of property and wealth is a growing and specialized area of legal practice incorporating estate planning, will drafting, deceased estate administration, and litigation.

Our Property and Estates Lawyers assist clients to arrange the orderly transfer of their assets upon death by drafting valid and effective wills that take into account the client’s wishes, and consistent with those wishes, are tax effective and preserve assets for the beneficiaries. They also administer estates to ensure assets are appropriately distributed and engage in litigation around the validity of wills and family provision claims.

Taught by experienced practitioners and academics, this course exposes students to real-life scenarios where issues of capacity, superannuation, taxation, and family provision arise in the context of will drafting, estate administration and dealing with potential problems in estates.